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I went on google and typed in “funny vlog” and what showed up was a vlog of a man acting as cookie monster from sesame st. His name is Eric Filipkowski and he seems like just a regular guy with a cookie monster head mask on. His first vlog, he stated he was drunk and was telling his audience that a rock song sounded like his own cookie monster song. He said he talked to his lawyer and wanted to sue them for stealing his music. Then he finished off by saying he loves you and stuffs a cookie in his mouth. I thought this vlog was pretty pointless, but I guess it was pretty entertaining.

 cookie monster vlog

I found an interesting video that describes what video blogging is about done by Josh Leo. I knew there was a phenomena that was going with web blogging but not video. Josh Leo described what video blogging and video blogging week. It challenged everyone to post a video each day for a week. Then Josh mentioned that he is going to a friend’s wedding and will be posting another video on the festivity.

Here’s a vlog that I found. It took a couple of tries, but I found one called “The Travlin’ Bear.” The Travlin’ Bear is an interesting vlog about a “boy and his bear” and the adventures they share. It was really interesting to watch different episodes in his life and adventures he has in a different countries. It appears that he has vlogs archived back to August 2006, but unfortunately hasn’t entered any recent entries since October 9th 2007 with about 100 different entries.    It was a little difficult because a lot of the ones that I found that said they were vlogs, didn’t fit the defintion we we’re given a lot of them came out as youtube videos. When I came across this vlog, the bear totally caught my eye and it was fun to see a day in a life through another’s eyes.

I think the author titled this book correctly as I was reading the book “We the Media” by Dan Gillmor. The technology has have growth rapidly and make our life easier. Everyone can become a reporter or author through blogging, video blogging and other ways of media that make it available. We don’t have to wait for the Big Media to decide what they consider news or important to viewers. Readers can do their search or continue the discussion such as the comment made by Trent Lott at the Strom Thurmond’s 100 birthday. “This is a piece of tomorrow’s jour­nalism, and we in the business should welcome the feedback and assistance that, if we do it right, becomes part of a larger conversation” wrote by Dan Gillmor. It was hard for consumers to challenge or give feedback to the author in past but now the readers can instantly respond to the author. This provides more accurate information that is being floating around. Video blogging is becoming more popular to the new age of technology where viewers want to see actions of what going on instead descriptive details in text.

Here is the link to the vlog I found.  The vlog I picked to share with the class is all about animals and the funny things they do, are taught to do, or have been put through.  From dancing to balloon popping these animals are quite the entertainers.  The vlog is active and appears to have been active since 2006.

Finding a vlog was much easier than I anticipated, so I was able to find one that suited my niche. The youngster in this vlog enjoys sports and piano, two things I love, so his vlog was very appealing to me. He’s pretty funny too for a kid. He can’t be over 15 and he is already doing vlogs!!! Definately ahead of the curve… I was learning fingerpaint.

Here’s a VLOG of behind the scenes footage of a photo shoot. We did a HUGE photo shoot last Friday for ACCESS Magazine in room 226 that went until 4 in the morning.  We rented a video camera from the school to video tape it so we could make a video like this, but the camera wouldn’t work for more than a few minutes so we gave up.  😦 A friend of mine took some cool pictures of behind the scenes though so at least we have that.  

I Googled “news video blogs” and found this blog that was filmed in the Silicon Valley. The video is an interview of an Online Marketing Pro, Joe Whyte CEO of HybridSEM in Santa Clara. He talks about social networking sites that are key tools in crafting your online marketing campaign. He has area relevant advice for us Silicon Valley babies.

To read more of my web blogs go to

The April ACTC Newsletter

I urge students to find some way to apply their software talents in order to keep them and hone them. I try to practice as well as preach that. I do a monthly newsletter for my bicycle club, the Almaden Cycle Touring Club.

Here is the April Issue of the Black and Blue Bottom, the club’s Newsletter. I hope you like it (note: the web server the club uses has been having problems, so if the download fails, that is why.)

I will admit I thought that vblogs were kind of lame, but I actually found one on something I am interested in. The Volcom vblog or what they call a Volcast is filled with their tours, sessions, interviews and just montages of their happenings. I would say it is more visual vblog than listening kind, which I am okay with. Volcom’s vblogs are filled with action sport action, so, if you like that check it out. CLICK HERE 

March 2008