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Here is a little bit about myself and my obsession with baseball.

Here is my fantasy baseball vlog

Here is a link to my first episode on fantasy baseball

this is my movie about how to play fantasy baseball

this is a movie about my lunch

this is what I ate for lunch today

Here is a link to my web page. 

For my final project I am going to press the limits of nerdiness. I am planning on doing a series of videos that explains how to manage a fantasy baseball team. (Since, alot of people don’t know). I will explain how a draft works, and all the preparation that goes into predicting the best players to select. I’ll also explain how to follow your players throughout the season and make sure you have the best team on the field (er… cyberfield). Alot of people, including myself, take this stuff seriously… a little too much. I can’t sleep that well before the night of my fantasy draft (yes, I know thats bad). Hopefully it will inform those who have always wondered and maybe make some people laugh.

Chapters 7,8,9 of We the Media were a little troubling for an aspiring journalist, yet at the same time reassuring. Let me explain. When I read about the news station that fired their employees for citizen based journalism my first reaction was, great, here comes another trend that is going to end newspapers once and for all. But when I thought about it more I realized that the convergence to online production has opened up so many more doors for journalists, like blogging or websites that allow anyone to contribute. In fact, we have realized a “freedom of the presses” that has never been seen in history. If you are interested in journalism, and you love to write, there will now always be a venue to perfect your craft.

Finding a vlog was much easier than I anticipated, so I was able to find one that suited my niche. The youngster in this vlog enjoys sports and piano, two things I love, so his vlog was very appealing to me. He’s pretty funny too for a kid. He can’t be over 15 and he is already doing vlogs!!! Definately ahead of the curve… I was learning fingerpaint.

The first few chapters of Dan Gillmor’s book raises a very important and controversial topic. The evolution of online media has created countless venues for news, but at the same time has questioned the credibility of some of the news being published. While the easily accessible media is a tool for us to use, the legitimacy of online blogs can be called into question. Essentially, this is the major obstacle that must be hurdled in the next decade. How do we legitimize the vast array of online news? What is bias and what is responsible journalism? Is it possible to have responsible journalism in a venue as conspicuous as the internet? These are all questions we don’t have the answer to, but they are questions we must start preparing to examine.

Two things I like and two things I dont at San Jose State

May 2024